New Boats and Summer 2020
Date: March 30, 2020

These are interesting times we are experiencing in the world right now. With everything going on we are hopeful things will be cleared up before the start of our season in June and confident July through September will be back to normal. If you’ve been on the fence about coming to Alaska this year it is going to be a great opportunity. We do still have some availability in August so why not come up and unwind from a hectic spring? There are some great deals on flights right now for summer trips and chances are good there will be less crowds. With our small capacity and remote location, you can continue to practice your social distancing.
Something we have been looking forward to since last season has been the building of our new fleet of boats. A matching pair of 29’ North River Seahawk Walk Arounds will be debuting for the 2020 season. The time has come where they are finished and getting ready to head to the lodge as this is being written. Josh and Scott just got done running sea trials and breaking in the new motors before shipping them up.
The new boats are set up with a large heated cabin providing plenty of seating for 5 anglers and a captain, standup head and a walk around design making them the ultimate boat for our waters and style of fishing. Being able to spread out while jigging for halibut, rockfish will allow us to minimize tangles and when a feisty salmon wants to go to the front of the boat you can easily chase them. While running sea trials it was blowing 30 mph every day on Puget Sound and the ride through the heavy chop was really smooth. The deep vee slices through everything thrown at it. For power they are rigged with twin Yamaha F250 four strokes that provide plenty of power for hauling big loads of fish or getting to the next spot quickly. A Yamaha T25 kicker will troll down to the right speed for trolling, but has enough thrust to hold us on the rock while jigging for bottom fish. We are looking forward to filling the multiple fish boxes on this season (hopefully with your fish)!